COVID-19 Resource Center

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Back and Neck Care

Millions of Americans suffer from back pain every year. The reasons for the pain are many, including bad posture, accidents, improper lifting, obesity, and weak muscles. Practice prevention to minimize your risk for back pain — get regular exercise, lose any excess weight, and learn good posture.


Neuroscience focuses on your brain and nervous system, which make up your body’s complex and marvelous command center.

Children's Health

You want the best for your child, from good nutrition to effective discipline to a breadth of life opportunities.


    Answer this one: Lawyers and teachers are particularly susceptible to vocal abuse and misuse problems.

    Drinking can be an expensive habit. While you may not notice a dollar here or two dollars there, consider how much you spend per week and per year on alcohol.

    Recognizing the symptoms of stress in your life is one step toward managing it. This assessment will help you learn your particular stress symptoms.


      Ultrasound imaging is a test that uses sound waves to make detailed pictures of your organs. There are three different kinds of ultrasound imaging: abdominal, pelvic, and Doppler ultrasound. Each of these imaging tests can help your healthcare provider assess pain or other symptoms in different parts of your body. Ultrasound does not involve any radiation, and is generally a very safe procedure. Still, you should discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider.